Reading Notes: Beowulf, Part B

Beowulf Unit by Strafford Riggs

Beowulf was resting in Heorot, waiting for the beast, Grendel. A drowsiness overcame him and he tried fighting it off.
The night was silent, so Beowulf knew Grendel was coming
Grendel made a noise that sounded like the deep grunt of a pig, but soft and low
Grendel put a spell on anyone who slept in Heorot to make them fall into an even deeper sleep.
Beowulf was so strong that he was able to somewhat fight off the sleeping spell; however, he was half asleep and tossed and turned in this nightmare.
No sound was made as Grendel push his mighty body against the bolted doors to Heorot.
While Beowulf tossed and turned in waking, the other earls fell deeper and deeper into their slumber.
Smell: fog and salt
Beowulf saw what stood in the doorway, but his eyes were still dreary from the sleep spell

Grendel saw Beowulf and they fought. Beowulf was able to rip off Grendel's arm. The spell was broken.

However, the next night, Grendel's mother came to Heorot and killed Aescher, who was Hrothgar's best friend.
They went to the home of Grendel and his mother, which was an eerie lake. Beowulf went down alone and saw Grendel's mother in a waterless cave. She was even uglier than Grendel, with snakes on her head. She cast a spell on Beowulf that made him lose almost all of his strength, but he was able to use the rest of his strength to defeat the beast.
