Week 10 Tech Tip: Changing my Profile Layout

Hi all!

I updated the look to my blog website in Week 8 (look at my previous Tech Tip blog post!), but the more I looked at it, the more I wanted to change it up. So, for this week's Tech Tip post, I updated the look and layout to my Blogger profile.

In my last layout, I had two different sidebars. On the left were all of my posts listed in order from the last blog I posted to the very first one from Week 1. On the right, there was a hidden sidebar that would pop out of you hovered over it with your mouse. I added a "Most Popular" blog posts gadget and another where it was a direct link to my class portfolio, both of which I really enjoyed. There was also the option for viewers to change the layout of my Blog, which changed the way the stories and left sidebar looked.

I decided to change the look of it again because I did not like how people could change the layout and the fact that the right sidebar was hidden. I also wanted to have my Comment Wall post readily available for people.

This is the new look of my blog! I really like the blue/gray-chalky color, but I couldn't figure out how to change the color of the yellow writing. I wanted the Labels tab to be first because that is what I use most often while on other blogs. The next gadget on the right toolbar is a link to my Profile, which was something I prioritized. I also wanted a quick way to access some of my most popular blog posts, so those are the next gadget down under my Portfolio link. Something else I really love is the picture shown on my Comment Wall post. It adds a nice aesthetic to my blog profile.
Personal picture of my Blogger website

When you scroll down on my blog, here is what it looks like:
Personal picture of my Blogger website
Hope you all enjoy the new look!
