Title: Homer's Odyssey, from Books 9, 10, 11, and 12
Author: Translated into English by Tony Kline
The Land of the Cyclopes,
The Cyclops' Cave
Circe's Island (Island of Aeaea)
Cyclopes-- lawless, aggressive people, giants, rely on immortal gods for planting and plowing, they live by no code of law in caves on mountain slopes, "lay down the law" to their wives and kids, disregard other cyclopes, do not have the means to travel
Nymphs- daughters of "aegis-bearing" Zeus
Nobody--the captain of the boat, cleverly named, intelligent
Aeaea- fateful goddess with a human voice, child of the Sun and Perse (daughter of the ocean)
Plot: a lot of deceitfulness and planned escapes
Author: Translated into English by Tony Kline
The Land of the Cyclopes,
The Cyclops' Cave
Circe's Island (Island of Aeaea)
Cyclopes-- lawless, aggressive people, giants, rely on immortal gods for planting and plowing, they live by no code of law in caves on mountain slopes, "lay down the law" to their wives and kids, disregard other cyclopes, do not have the means to travel
- Polyphemus-- ate many of the human sailors, pitiless, sailors blinded him with an olivewood stake, asked Poseidon to curse the freed men that blinded him
Polyphemus, by Tischbein
Nymphs- daughters of "aegis-bearing" Zeus
Nobody--the captain of the boat, cleverly named, intelligent
Aeaea- fateful goddess with a human voice, child of the Sun and Perse (daughter of the ocean)
Plot: a lot of deceitfulness and planned escapes
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