Source: Time Strategies
One of my strengths is time-management. I have taken 17-18 hours a semester, I work a night job at a hospital where each shift is 13-14 hours long, I volunteer 8-10 hours a week in Oklahoma City and I hold a few exec positions on campus. I only say all of this because I like to be busy. I am able to pursue all of these activities because time-manage very well. The schedule I chose for this class is to work for 2 hours on Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday. While I plan to follow this schedule most weeks, I already know I will shift around this schedule for a few weeks due to exams and other reasons. My biggest time challenge is that when I work on a project or assignment, I need to finish it all in that sitting. So when I write a paper, I need to write it all at once or when I study, I study one subject for a long period of time. This causes me to lose a lot of hours on one thing when I can be doing little projects for different classes over a three hour period. I'm still working on it, but since it's been a 4-year process of trying to fix it, I can make the assumption that I probably won't be able to change this study habit.
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