Reading Notes: The Eight-Forked Serpent of Koshi, Part A

Japanese Mythology Unit
Story source: Romance of Old Japan, Part I: Mythology and Legend by E. W. Champney and F. Champney (1917)

-I am choosing this story as my extra reading because I read a story written by my classmate and she based her story from this unit and it seemed interesting!

A family has had eight of their daughters killed by the terrible eight-forked serpent of Koshi, who comes year after year to steal another daughter.
Susa-no-wo meets the family and claims that he is able to slay the serpent, but only if the daughter will become his wife.
The family agrees and then Susa-no-wo turns her into a toothed-comb and puts her into his hair. He fashioned a rampart of pointed logs. It was very strong. After awhile, the serpent came to the portal and laughed at it and then drank liquor and then slept from drowsiness.
It was then that Susa-no-wo slashed the serpent many times, severing all of its heads.
After killing the serpent, he transformed the comb back into the girl and then married her.
